Year: 2023

Dropshipping facebook ads tips not everyone knows

Dropshipping facebook ads tips not everyone knows

Facebook advertising is the top traffic attraction channel when doing Dropshipping and Print-on-Demand (POD). However, with the difficulties that many store owners encounter with Facebook such as: Locked accounts, restrictions due to elections in the US,… should Facebook advertising be…

Using AI to write content on Facebook

Using AI to write content on Facebook

In the process of creating content on the Facebook platform, many creators have the problem of running out of ideas to create content. To overcome this problem, many individuals have used AI tools to create quality articles and content. So…

What is a shortened link?

An URL shortener is a web site that reduces the size of your URL (Uniform Useful resource Locator). The thought is to attenuate the online web page deal with into one thing that’s simpler to recollect and observe. There are…

The 3 best URL shorteners of 2023

In a earlier put up, we answered the fundamental query: “what’s a URL“. On this put up we’re going to develop upon that query, by answering a associated one – what’s a URL shortener? Merely put, a URL shortener is…

5 negara teratas yang memainkan e-sports

1/ Cina Pemain: 6.706 Hadiah Uang yang Dimenangkan: $236.608.159 Meski tidak menurunkan pemain terbanyak di dunia, Tiongkok telah mencetak jumlah hadiah tertinggi dibandingkan negara lain di dunia. Tentu saja, semua ini berkat kemahiran pesaing Tiongkok di ranah Dota 2 –…

Negara Esports Terbaik

Esports adalah raksasa industri, dan semakin hari semakin besar. Hal ini telah berubah dari konsep yang disalahpahami dan sangat khusus menjadi fenomena global bernilai miliaran dolar, dan ini baru saja dimulai. Saat ini, esports dapat menyaingi olahraga tradisional dalam hal…

Sejarah Dari E-Sport diDunia

Berikut sejarah perkembangan dunia e-sports, perkembangan pertama budaya e-sports berasal dari kompetisi game. Menariknya, persaingan game ini bahkan sudah berlangsung lama, tepatnya tahun 1972, ketika komputer masih sangat langka, belum ada internet, dan judul video game saat itu belum banyak….

Sejarah e-sports

Fenomena e-sports sedang naik daun belakangan ini. Berbagai pengembang gamesee tidak mau tersingkir, mereka menggunakan e-sports sebagai sarana untuk menjual lebih banyak produk. Berawal dari “Overwatch”, yang terakhir memiliki visi untuk liga e-sports Amerika, yang memiliki model mirip dengan liga…

A decisive turning point in eSports

In the 1990s, it became clear that the future of competitive gaming would be found on PCs and in the network. As hardware became cheaper and more powerful, PCs became interesting for private households and thus also for the games…

eSports History: How it all began

If you think eSports has only been around for a few years, you’re wrong! The cornerstone of video games was already laid in the 50s and with it the competition on PC or console. Only the technological progress at the…