How to change currency in Facebook ad account

There are many advertisers who have difficulty running ads in countries other than where they live. The main problem for advertisers is the currency on the advertising account. Each country will have different currencies, so when running ads in any country, you should change the currency to match that country.
Changing currency in your Facebook ad account will help advertisers more easily control their advertising budget. If you don’t know how, see the article below. In this article, we will show you how to change currency in a Facebook ad account.

What is the currency in a Facebook ad account?

What is the currency in a Facebook ad account?
What is the currency in a Facebook ad account?

A Facebook ad account can be set up to use a specific currency depending on the country in which the account was created. This means that when you create a Facebook advertising account, you will be asked to choose the currency you want to use to pay for your advertising campaigns.
Choosing a specific currency will affect how you manage and pay for your Facebook ad campaigns. You’ll need to make sure you’ve selected the correct currency for your country and payment method to avoid issues with payments and the financial management of your ad account.

>> View More: What is Media Advertising

Way to change currency in Facebook ad account

While advertising on Facebook, changing the currency in your ad account may be necessary when you want to advertise in a new region or use a different currency. Below are instructions on how to easily change the currency in your Facebook ad account.

Way to change currency in Facebook ad account
Way to change currency in Facebook ad account

Step 1: Log in to your Facebook advertising account and select “Manage ads”.

Step 2: Select “Settings” from the menu on the left side of the page.

Step 3: Select “Account” and then “Payment Info”.

Step 4: In the “Currency” section, you can select the new currency you want to use.

Step 5: Click the “Save changes” button to complete the process of changing the currency.

>> View more: How to add ad account in facebook


Currency changes can impact the management of your billing and advertising costs. The esports24h has detailed how to exchange money in your Facebook advertising account. Hopefully the above information will help you change the currency in your Facebook advertising account easily and quickly.



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