Disclosure Facebook advertising tips high efficiency 2024

How to have the most cost-effective way to run Facebook ads? How to run ads to “generate” many orders? Perhaps this will be the common sentiment of sellers when they first venture into online business. To find the best solution for the above problem, the team of Esports24h experts will share details about Facebook Advertising Tips professionalism.

Why do you need to run Facebook ads?

Why do you need to run Facebook ads?

Low cost, high efficiency

Running Facebook ads becomes effective for almost any type of business. Whether you are a startup or a large business, you only need to spend a few dozen dollars to run Facebook ads and make a profit. The results received are even 5 times higher than normal advertising. Besides, you can also flexibly choose two Facebook payment methods: CPC (charge when someone clicks on the ad) and CPM (pay for 1,000 ad impressions).

Simple operation, easy to manage

Facebook advertising has a much simpler operation than other advertising tools. Therefore, it is not necessary to undergo long-term research to be able to apply it. Instead, just do your own research or take courses from famous experts and you can quickly set up an advertising campaign for yourself.

Convenient customization capabilities

Facebook does not limit creativity for advertising models. Therefore, you can completely customize your advertising templates to best convey the message to potential customers. Therefore, feel free to customize your content and advertising images to attract more customers to visit your website.

Continuously updated with many new features

“Social network tycoon” Facebook always leads the latest advertising trends with many unique features. Currently, a series of tools and strategies to support Ads on Facebook are popular such as: Messenger Day, Instagram Stories, Live Video updates, improved advertising reporting. Thanks to that, a series of business advertisements become more diverse and unique, helping them sell better.

Disclosure Facebook advertising tips high efficiency

Disclosure Facebook advertising tips high efficiency

Use multi-product conveyor belts

Facebook now allows you to choose multi-product carousel ads. There are many reasons why this particular type of ad increases your click-through rate and reduces your costs.

First of all, it’s engaging and interactive. Customers want to scroll through and see more products. Our natural curiosity makes us click and play with it. That brings more people to your brand and attracts them.

Second, you show a group of related products. Use this option to tell a story or explain how multiple interacting products support each other.

Third, use it to display a variety of products. For example, you sell ski equipment. Customers may not immediately want to buy a snowboard, but you can use the carousel to show them cheaper products like shoes or waxes. It gives them a much bigger reason to click.

Use video ads

The Facebook algorithm actively prioritizes video content. By using video, your ad is more likely to find its way to people’s newsfeeds. Not only that, but it’s also more appealing as a format. Statistics show that more than half of daily Facebook users watch videos on the platform every day.

Your customers are more likely to stop and watch the video, because it immediately starts playing as they scroll past it.

You can also use it to display the products you are running. For example, Asos does this to show off their clothing range. If you own a fashion store, you can do something similar yourself. When creating your ad, choose a video format.

Use Facebook ‘Deals’

Everyone loves a sale, and customers are more likely to click when you offer a discount.

If you have discounts on your products, you can create an ad specifically for the sale or offer. Why not create an introductory offer to entice people? See how Macy’s offers 25% off all products over $100.

The best thing about this way of advertising is that your potential customers don’t need to leave Facebook in exchange for it. There is less competition and it shortens the gap between closed orders. Clicking on the ad gives them a unique code they can use on your site. This particular method also uses ‘social proof’, by showing others that ‘14,991’ people already have it. Overall, this is a great way to entice new and existing customers to your website.

Promote an existing popular post

Sometimes we’re cautious when launching an ad, because we never know how well it will react. Will someone click through? Would this be a waste of money? That’s why promoting an existing post is a great idea. You can choose a post that has generated tons of shares, clicks, and engagement. In other words, you know it works. Now, just boost it to reach thousands of new people.

You can choose to promote it to people who already like your page or reach out to new people. (I’ll show you some more targeting tricks). The beauty of a promoted post is that you already know it produces results. Promote it, and you’re almost guaranteed more sales and attention.

Stop selling

Not every ad needs to be focused on sales. In fact, studies show that we often pass by blatant ads. We are so used to seeing ads that we often automatically ignore them. Instead, find other ways to get value from your ads.

Another option is to promote an event. As an e-commerce store owner, events are a great way to increase brand awareness. Perhaps you can organize a product launch event in your area. If you own a fashion store, you can organize a catwalk event, or sponsor a clothing event. If you run a jewelry store, you could organize a workshop in your local area. Then use a Facebook event to build awareness for it.

Create a custom ‘call-to-action’

If you ask me, this is one of Facebook’s best new features. Instead of using a simple box format, Facebook now allows you to create individual calls to action. It is still underutilized by brands and e-commerce sellers. However, it will significantly increase your click-through rate.

When setting up your ad, go to the ‘text and links’ section. It will let you select a few drop-down options, like ‘buy now’, ‘learn more’, ‘subscribe’, etc. You can also enter your own custom calls to action. This will proactively motivate your customers to click and increase your potential sales.

>>>Click now: Run keyword ads on Google

Note when running effective Facebook ads

  • Use attractive, eye-catching images/videos that contain core content.
  • Does not violate Facebook’s advertising policies.
  • Appropriate budget allocation for each advertising period.
  • Prioritize advertising of outstanding products that get more attention.
  • Choose “golden” hours to increase productivity.
  • Identify the right target customers.
  • Choose the appropriate type of advertising
  • Avoid duplicating target audiences, causing waste of budget.

We have worked with you to find out Facebook Advertising Tips highly effective, simple and detailed. Hope this article will help you get more useful information!

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