How to choose audiences to run Facebook ads 2024 standard

What is Facebook Target? What is Target in Facebook? How to choose audiences to run Facebook ads Exactly? When targeting the right audience, advertising will be effective and bring good revenue to businesses. Let’s explore this article with us to get your questions answered!

What is Target Facebook?

What is Target Facebook?

Facebook Target is a way for you to select audiences that are suitable for the products you advertise. Or to put it simply, customers are like targets, you have to draw a bow and aim to hit them. Below are ways to choose effective Facebook advertising targets.

How to choose audiences to run Facebook ads

Method 1: Target the area where Facebook advertising targets are most commonly used

Each customer in each region will have different personalities and habits. You need to clearly understand customer habits to target the right advertising audience more effectively and appropriately.

Therefore, for each region, you can write content for each customer in each region.

In the advertising section you can test your article. Divide the area into smaller areas to run ads.

Method 2: Target on age and referral

What age group will your customers be in? Which age group buys the most products? You can run to check each age range to see the purchase results. If you want to target Facebook advertising effectively, you can target age

Note: Each age group will have different needs and desires. Your articles, images, and content need to be appropriate for each age group.

Method 3: Target the language

The language here is the language of the device your customers are using to access Facebook. Therefore, the first language you need to target is the main language in the region where you run ads, because the devices they use will use that language, and you can also get the number of customers who use it. some second languages ​​like English for example.

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Method 4: Target on interests (In interests there are 2 suggestions and you can choose yourself)

Here you begin to visualize and draw a portrait of your customer. What interests or habits do your product’s customers have, where do they often go, etc. From there, you will target your customers in the most detail.

The more you understand your customers, the more effective your targeting will become. You can subdivide by campaign, ad group or ad to analyze customers. The more detailed you are, the more accurately you will know which interest groups bring in customers, which will help you target Facebook advertising audiences more effectively.

Besides how you choose your target yourself, Facebook has a suggestion section. As long as you know a customer’s interests, Facebook will suggest related interests or common interests of that customer.

Method 5: Target Facebook advertising audience based on demographics

Demographics are the information that customers provide on their personal pages.

For example, their job, education, place of work, profession, as well as status.

Method 6: Target on behavior

When targeting behavior, you will target exactly what behaviors and activities your customers are having. For example, they travel or use iPhone 15 to access Facebook.

Method 7: Remarketing

You have a customer who is interested in your product but has not yet made a purchase. You can run remarketing to let your customers see the product. You can create a customer file on your Facebook Fanpage, interact with ads, send messages,…

Method 8: From the available phone number, how to effectively target Facebook ads

You have a list of available customer phone numbers. You can run remarketing to find customers similar to these customers or run ads again to people who have already purchased these products. For this customer file, the likelihood of purchasing will be high because customers who give their phone number mean they have already successfully purchased when you run remarketing.

Method 9: Lookalike

Here you will create a customer file similar to your previous customer file. With this lookalike file, you will get customers that are similar to your customers, but not exactly the same as previous customers.

How to choose audiences to run Facebook ads

Example of how to target Facebook ads effectively

You can refer to the specific method as follows.

About the campaign: We will target geographical areas for division. Because of the number of Facebook users in the city. Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi are the highest, so just dividing it into 3 main advertising campaigns is enough to get results.

Campaign 1 targets the Hanoi area;
Campaign 2 targets the city area. Ho Chi Minh;
Campaign 3 targets the remaining provinces.
Regarding advertising groups: You divide into groups according to customer age similar to the article presented in section 1. Or you can do it your own way (Because your customers will have their own characteristics that are unique to you). just understand) as long as you get the desired results, it’s ok. Below are suggestions on how to divide groups by age for your reference.

Group 1 from 18 – 22;
Group 2 from 23 – 25;
Group 3 from 26 – 30;
Group 4 from 31 – 35;
Group 5 from 36 – 40;
Group 6 from 41 – 45;…
Text multiple times: The more groups and targets you can divide, the better. Regarding advertising samples: Each group should be divided into at least 3 different small advertising samples.

Through the above article, you have partly understood How to choose audiences to run Facebook ads how effective it is, right? Hopefully you can apply these shares of ours to manage sales on Facebook more effectively.

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