How to remove violations of TikTok community standards easy 2024

TikTok is a short video social network, becoming increasingly popular and penetrating deeply into many people’s lives. Users can use this application for entertainment, product/service introduction, sales, interaction, etc. During use, it is necessary to refer to how to remove violations of TikTok community standards to avoid cases where the account Your account is accused of violating community rules even if there is no wrongdoing. Please refer to the article below with Esports24h for more detailed information about this issue.

Learn about TikTok community standards

Learn about TikTok community standards

Basically, Tiktok’s community standards are similar to other social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Youtube. Simply put, it is Tiktok’s general set of rules that apply to content that is allowed or not allowed to appear on the platform. Of course, it is mandatory that all users on Tiktok must comply with this standard, otherwise they will be fined.

Normally, content that violates Tiktok community standards may include: audio, images, videos, live streams, comments or language. Once you violate Tiktok community policies, you will be completely removed from the platform. Accounts that violate community rules will receive warnings and penalties corresponding to the level of violation. Specifically, if it is a first-time violation with a mild level, the video will be deleted and the video will be blocked from posting for a short time. If the violation is serious enough, the account will be temporarily locked or the account will be permanently deleted.

However, Tiktok is not always right, there are many exceptions, there are no violations of community guidelines but they are still accused of violations. At times like that, you need to apply how to remove violations of tiktok community standards to complain about the system and protect your rights.

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Common violations of Tiktok community standards

Common violations of Tiktok community standards


Tiktok does not allow users to impersonate any individual or organization for fraudulent purposes. After receiving a report about the account’s impersonation, Tiktok will review the profile and delete the account.

Violation of intellectual property rights

Reposting other people’s videos in their entirety will cause a bad experience for users, so Tiktok will take those videos down from the platform.

Gambling and fraud

Tiktok limits advertising content for betting services, casinos or any other form of fraud to prevent acts of taking advantage of trust and causing financial harm to other users.

Violent content

Videos with images of blood, fights or scary accidents are mostly deleted by Tiktok and the account is locked, or even the account is permanently deleted.

Harassment and bullying behavior

Videos with provocative content or language that defame, bully, or mock an individual, organization, or political attack will certainly be removed from the platform, or even have your account permanently deleted. .

Images that violate standards

To create a healthy online environment for all users, TikTok strictly prohibits posting nude, pornographic, or sexually harassing videos or images on their platform.

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How to remove violations of TikTok community standards

How to remove violations of TikTok community standards

There are 3 ways to remove violations of TikTok community standards, including creating a new account. For details on each way to remove violations of TikTok community standards, you can refer to below.

Method 1: Send report to TikTok

In some cases, you may be able to take down a violation of TikTok’s community standards by submitting a report to TikTok’s moderation team.

Follow the steps below to ask TikTok’s moderation team to remove a guideline strike:

  • Step 1: Open the TikTok app on your phone and log in (if not already logged in).
  • Step 2: Find videos or comments that violate TikTok community guidelines and standards.
  • Step 3: Click to select the video, then find and click the See details button in the bottom corner.
  • Step 4: Click on the Submit Appeal button.
  • Step 5: TikTok will now redirect you to the community guidelines page.
  • Step 6: Here you fill in all the necessary information, explain the reason for TikTok to remove the violation of community standards, and attach a screenshot if any.
  • Step 7: Click the Submit button to send your request or appeal.

Additionally, if you cannot find a video or comment that causes you to receive a strike, you can refer to the steps and how to remove a violation of TikTok community standards below:

  • Step 1: Open the TikTok app on your Android phone or iPhone.
  • Step 2: On the application window, find and click the Profile tab located in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  • Step 3: Find and click the menu icon in the top right corner of the screen and select Settings and privacy.
  • Step 4: In the Support section, find and click Report a problem.
  • Step 5: Continue to find and click the pen and paper icon in the top corner.
  • Step 6: Click the pencil icon in the top corner and write a reason for TikTok to remove the warning for you. Attach screenshots if available.
  • Step 7: Finally click the Submit button to send your request.

You can also email TikTok via [email protected] and explain why TikTok should unban your account.

TikTok can accept or deny your appeal. In case TikTok approves your request and removes the strike, make sure you comply with all community guidelines to avoid violating the platform’s community standards next time.

Method 2: Wait for TikTok to remove the warning

In essence, this is not necessarily a way to remove violations of TikTok community standards in the “true” sense, but in some cases the only solution for you is to wait for TikTok to remove the violation warning. After reopening your account, find and remove videos or delete comments that violate community guidelines.

Method 3: Create a new account

Finally, in case the above methods to remove violations of TikTok community standards are unsuccessful and TikTok does not accept your appeal, the final solution for you is to create a new TikTok account.

Above we have just shown you 3 ways How to remove violations of TikTok community standards. TikTok bans are implemented to help TikTok’s moderation team maintain a safe community for users. Therefore, you should limit it to avoid violating community standards on the platform.

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