
How to start affiliate marketing for beginners

In recent years, you are certainly no longer unfamiliar with the phrase affiliate marketing or in English, Affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is currently considered a popular and highly effective way to make money online. So what is affiliate marketing? How to start affiliate marketing. Follow the article below to better understand this form of making money!

What is Affiliate Marketing?

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing, with its English name Affiliate Marketing, is an online sales tactic that allows product and service owners to increase sales by making it accessible to others – people who can reach them. Potential customers to make money. This allows people to sell products without having to own or have their own products. This form first appeared from the US website (Auction, Cjmall, Gmarket, Gseshop,…) in 1996 and is increasingly diverse and developed with more types.

Simply put, affiliate marketing for businesses is a form of advertising based on the cost for each successful conversion such as orders, registrations, visits to that product, etc. Therefore, the image This method brings extremely good results and saves a lot of costs. For affiliates or publishers who want to make money online, Affiliate Marketing is an opportunity to make money online with huge income from websites, blogs and community groups, especially Affiliate Marketing in the Vietnamese market.

Completing an affiliate marketing transaction includes 4 main steps as follows:

  • Step 1: Register to participate in the supplier’s affiliate marketing program
  • Step 2: Collaborators introduce and promote products online
  • Step 3: Customers make purchases
  • Step 4: Supplier pays commission to collaborators

Forms of affiliate marketing

  • CPA (Cost Per Action): An online advertising model in which advertisers pay for specific user actions such as filling out forms, registering for membership, responding to surveys or marketing campaigns.
  • CPI (Cost Per Install): Advertisers who want to develop application software can use this form to introduce their software and applications to users. The publisher pays the referrer a commission for each download. CPI is one of the formats preferred by people making money online.
  • CPS (Cost Per Sale): This is the most modern and sustainable form of affiliate marketing with the principle of mutual benefit for suppliers and distributors. In this form, the Business Owner pays a commission if the transaction buys or sells goods or services from the supplier.

Because you are charged a commission for each successful sale, among the above-mentioned forms of marketing, CPS is a form of affiliate marketing that ensures fairness and profit for both parties. This avoids the problem of fraud and fraud in receiving commissions from Affiliates. Therefore, CPS is the most popular trend today when participating in affiliate marketing.

How to start affiliate marketing quick and easy

How to start affiliate marketing quick and easy

Learn about affiliate marketing and build the right direction

Before you start making money with affiliate marketing, you need to clearly understand this form. What is affiliate marketing, how does it work, what factors participate in this ecosystem… All of this information is something you need to learn.

Take the time to explore and learn about affiliate marketing. Once you have clear knowledge and understanding of this job, you can start smoothly. After researching information, you will have to build yourself the right mindset and orientation to make money when entering the path of affiliate marketing. Getting started with affiliate marketing is not difficult, but to create a stable and long-term income source, it is necessary to take the right direction.

Determine the field you want to participate in affiliate marketing

After the research step, there will be the step of determining the field of activity. When you first start, you should not choose many fields because that will not bring high efficiency. To do effective affiliate marketing, quality is always more important than quantity.

Research and choose a field that you feel interested in or have a lot of knowledge about. For example, if you are a beauty lover and have experience using many different types of cosmetics, take advantage of that. You can set up a product review channel, or a channel to share your knowledge and experience in skin care and makeup.

Each field has different potential directions, understanding your own strengths and interests will help you do affiliate marketing much more effectively.

Choose channels to do effective affiliate marketing

This is an important step because the affiliate channel will accompany you in the affiliate marketing process. There are many different channels to do affiliate marketing such as websites, social networks, email…

To choose an effective affiliate marketing channel, you need to consider your strengths. If you own a social page with a high number of followers and interactions, choose it as an affiliate. If you like writing, you can create a free website with WordPress or Wix. If you have the talent to shoot videos and confidently speak in front of the camera, you can create your own Youtube channel. In addition to the above methods, you can also learn how to run ads to become an affiliate. To reach more customers as well as increase the ability to create orders, running ads is an effective and quick method used by affiliaters.

There are many ways for you to get started, choosing a suitable channel will make your affiliate marketing activities more effective and convenient.

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Partner with a reputable affiliate network

For those who are new to affiliate marketing, partnering with a quality affiliate network will save a lot of time. This is an intermediary unit that helps connect the needs of Publisher (distributor) and Advertiser (advertiser). Affiliate networks will provide technical platforms and support tools for the affiliate process.

To do affiliate marketing effectively, affiliate networks play a very important role. They will search for products and services, negotiate with advertisers to get the best commission rate for publishers, implement periodic conversion/order control as well as pay commissions and support you throughout the process. deploy the campaign. Here are some criteria for you to choose a suitable affiliate network:

  • High commission payout
  • Diverse many fields and products
  • Cooperating with large and reputable Advertisers
  • There is a dedicated team to support and answer questions for Publishers

There are many networks currently operating on the market. Some of the most reputable networks today include Rentracks Vietnam, Accesstrade, Adflex, MasOffer… You can find out information and choose the place that best suits you to get started.

Content production

The next step is to produce advertising content. This is a key step that contributes a large part to your success with affiliate marketing. To be able to successfully “close deals”, your content needs to be good and useful.

To produce quality content, you first need to research your customers. Learning about customers’ interests, habits and issues is the key to helping you create good content.

Some content-related factors help you reach more customers:

  • Content should be relevant and offer solutions to problems customers face
  • Short, concise and easy to read
  • Attractive title
  • Use vivid visual images and videos
  • And links to purchase or learn about services

Promote content

Once you have good content, you need to promote it to as many customers as possible. To do this, it is impossible without asking for the help of digital marketing tools.

The most popular technique that content creators must know is SEO content. Take the time to learn about SEO, it will help your content reach more people.

Additionally, to make affiliate marketing more effective, you need to run ads. Advertising is the fastest method to help you quickly reach customers and generate revenue. The most popular advertising tool today is Google Ads. Google Ads will be an important tool for those who work as affiliates on websites.

For those of you doing affiliate marketing on Facebook or Instagram, these platforms also have integrated advertising features such as Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads or Tik Tok Ads. You can learn and apply these tools to promote posts on your social pages.

Measurement and optimization help make affiliate marketing more effective

After everything is in order and commissions are generated, people often skip this step. This is a very necessary step to help measure and evaluate the effectiveness of affiliate activities.

To do affiliate marketing effectively, you need to closely monitor important indicators such as traffic, number of clicks, order conversion rate… All of these parameters reflect the effectiveness of the strategy implementation process. pandemic.

Social sites will often provide basic statistics about customer interactions for your convenience. In addition, the affiliate network’s system will also compile important statistics that you need to update regularly.

If you are using a website to become an affiliate, you can use website performance measurement and analysis tools such as Google Analytics, Kissmetrics, Alexa, etc. These tools allow you to track user activities, collect statistics, and monitor user activity. Visit statistics and many other features. Thanks to these tools, you can evaluate and plan to optimize advertising and sales activities on your website.

To summarize:

So the above article is all about “how to start affiliate marketing” that we bring to you. Hopefully the above information will help you somewhat in learning about affiliate marketing and don’t forget to visit our website to follow useful information and Digital Marketing knowledge shared by affiliates top experts!

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