
1/ Cina Pemain: 6.706 Hadiah Uang yang Dimenangkan: $236.608.159 Meski tidak menurunkan pemain terbanyak di dunia, Tiongkok telah mencetak jumlah hadiah tertinggi dibandingkan negara lain di dunia. Tentu saja, semua ini berkat kemahiran pesaing Tiongkok di ranah Dota 2 –…


Esports adalah raksasa industri, dan semakin hari semakin besar. Hal ini telah berubah dari konsep yang disalahpahami dan sangat khusus menjadi fenomena global bernilai miliaran dolar, dan ini baru saja dimulai. Saat ini, esports dapat menyaingi olahraga tradisional dalam hal…


Berikut sejarah perkembangan dunia e-sports, perkembangan pertama budaya e-sports berasal dari kompetisi game. Menariknya, persaingan game ini bahkan sudah berlangsung lama, tepatnya tahun 1972, ketika komputer masih sangat langka, belum ada internet, dan judul video game saat itu belum banyak….


Fenomena e-sports sedang naik daun belakangan ini. Berbagai pengembang gamesee tidak mau tersingkir, mereka menggunakan e-sports sebagai sarana untuk menjual lebih banyak produk. Berawal dari “Overwatch”, yang terakhir memiliki visi untuk liga e-sports Amerika, yang memiliki model mirip dengan liga…


In the 1990s, it became clear that the future of competitive gaming would be found on PCs and in the network. As hardware became cheaper and more powerful, PCs became interesting for private households and thus also for the games…


If you think eSports has only been around for a few years, you’re wrong! The cornerstone of video games was already laid in the 50s and with it the competition on PC or console. Only the technological progress at the…


One of the main contributors to Indonesia’s incredible esports player base is that the country has a very large population of young people. A large population makes Indonesia a higher gaming population than other countries. It is also important to…


The beginning: From the pocket watch to the wristwatch Nothing has shaped our present understanding of time as much as the invention of the wristwatch. In everyday life, people wear it out of normality. In reality, wristwatches are two centuries…


As far as records are maintained in the history, the first clock by Henlein was made in 1510 and by 1541, he was well known for his art and was called in different parts of Europe. By India Today Web…


שעון הקיץ ייכנס לתוקפו בישראל בלילה שבין חמישי לשישי, בין ה-23 ל-24 במרץ ויסתיים ב-29 באוקטובר וימנה 219 ימים. נשיא התאחדות התעשיינים: ״הגיע הזמן להחיל את שעון הקיץ לאורך כל השנה – מהלך שיחסוך למשק 400 מיליון שקל״ שעון הקיץ,…