Reasons why Facebook advertising accounts are locked

Currently, Facebook has become a popular tool for companies, businesses, and brands to run effective advertising. However, many people running Facebook ads have their accounts locked, but don’t know the reason. In this article, we will take a closer look at the root cause Reasons why Facebook advertising accounts are locked and the most effective ways to handle or prevent this problem.

Determine which type of your account is being blocked by Facebook for advertising features

Determine which type of your account is being blocked by Facebook for advertising features

First you need to clearly determine which type of account is being locked by Facebook (restricted from running ads.

You must check to see if it is only your personal account or just an advertising account or the entire business account). Your business is limited by Facebook’s advertising features so you can handle it differently.

In many cases, every time you receive a notification from Facebook that your advertising is restricted, you think your entire advertising account is dead, but in reality, your advertising account can be restored. Delegate usage rights to many different users and Facebook only limits you to no longer running ads, the rest can still use your ad account normally if they are assigned. permission. If your BM account is locked, it means your advertising account is completely dead.

Therefore, first you must determine where the problem is so that you can take the most appropriate corrective steps for each case.

Reasons why Facebook advertising accounts are locked

Advertising content is flagged as violating policies and violating the community

Facebook has introduced banned categories and products. But with profits so high, many people find ways to circumvent the law. By using tricks like changing images, fonts, and using synonyms, the approval rate is up to 40%.

But, sooner or later Facebook will find out. At that time, it is difficult to avoid blocking your Facebook advertising account. At the same time, that fanpage may also disappear from Facebook.

With ads that publish bad content, poor quality content, leading to users reporting the ad multiple times also leads to the ad account being locked.

Solution: don’t try to circumvent advertising, don’t publish bad content. This type of violation is very difficult to appeal successfully.

Advertising accounts often have to log in to strange IPs

People who often travel abroad or on business make it very easy for their advertising accounts to be locked. When a Facebook advertising account receives many strange IPs, Facebook will consider that as unusual behavior. So the account can easily be locked.

To avoid this situation, you should use one computer and one IP to create and track Facebook advertising campaigns.

In case you often have to go on business trips abroad, you can create a VPS, log in, and use an advertising account there.

The card linked to the payment account failed many times

You should set up a separate visa card to use to run Facebook ads. This way you will be able to control your account balance and avoid situations where your card runs out of money and makes payments unsuccessful. Facebook’s policy does not specify the number of failed payments that will result in your account being locked.

With long-standing advertising accounts, large budgets, and high debt thresholds, card blocking is unlikely. But with newly created accounts and erratic advertising, such errors can easily result in the account being locked.

The account has a common link with an account whose card is disabled

A business advertising account can link and manage multiple advertising accounts. To avoid being “dead in bunches”, you should not link too many advertising accounts to one business advertising account.

Add, delete, change, transfer admin roles on ad accounts multiple times

To limit the buying and selling of business advertising accounts, Facebook has considered the act of changing administrators multiple times in a short period of time as a violation of community policy.

You should not buy advertising accounts floating on forums and social networks. Even though that advertising account can create many other advertising accounts, the debt threshold is high but the risk of losing everything is very large.

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Log in to multiple Facebook advertising accounts on the same device

Reasons why Facebook advertising accounts are locked

You should not log in or out of your advertising accounts too many times. If you do so, it is very easy for your account to be temporarily locked for checkpoint identity verification.

With high trust accounts, the owner is not too worried. But purchased or self-built accounts are difficult to unlock.

In order to minimize the occurrence of this checkpoint, there are a few simple ways that are often used such as creating different profiles on Chrome and Firefox. Then each account will be logged in permanently on that profile.

Card operations are not secure

Facebook uses Visa cards for payments. Visa cards have been disabled, information has been leaked, and cardholders have requested the bank to block them urgently. Using those cards is like locking yourself out of your advertising account.

Create multiple ad accounts in a short time

Facebook relies on many algorithms to be able to detect which accounts are being created in bulk. You should not try to spam or circumvent the law because it brings quite a high risk.

In case you want to create multiple advertising accounts to use, you should use Dcom to change IP and delete browsing history. Although it can only create a small amount, it is difficult for Facebook to detect your activities.

Ads with dramatically increased budgets, turning ads on and off many times

You can’t set an unusually high budget. This will put your advertising account at a very high risk of being locked.

For example: you are setting a budget of 200k/day, you are seeing effective advertising. The next day, you increase it to 500k/day because you think it will bring higher profits. But then the advertising account will be locked and the advertising campaign will be turned off.

Facebook encourages advertisers to increase their budgets in stepwise increments of less than 20%. For example: you are running ads for 300k/day, the next day you can increase it to 350k.

Thus, your Facebook ads will be adapted to the target, bringing better results.


A locked Facebook advertising account is always a headache for people running Facebook Ads. If you are not someone who runs Facebook with a very large budget (several billion VND per month), getting support from Facebook is much more difficult. Because Facebook always doesn’t have the best support for advertising accounts in Vietnam because of its history of running rampant in Vietnam. Therefore, I advise you that if you are running Facebook Ads, the best way is to strictly comply with Facebook’s policies. This obviously also greatly limits the possibility of your account being locked.

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