What is Google Shopping? Advantages and disadvantages of Google Shopping

To be able to connect and maintain a stable number of customers, retailers must use many online sales solutions, including Google Shopping (also known as Google shopping). Recently, this form has been mentioned more and more and has gradually become a popular sales trend that any retailer cannot miss. So what is Google Shopping? How to install Google Shopping ads effectively? The article below will answer these issues in detail!

What is Google Shopping?

Google Shopping Ads are shopping ads on Google. In other words, this is a form of online advertising that aims to allow buyers to see information about the product in the fastest way. With Google Shopping Ads, you will have 2 main ways of operating based on 2 tools: Google Ads and Google Merchant Center.

What is Google Shopping?

Benefits of Google Shopping

Benefits for sellers

  • Helps products appear at the top of search pages
  • Increase product coverage
  • Helps products appear to the right customers
  • Optimize costs, increase revenue quickly

Benefits for buyers

  • Easily and quickly access product information
  • Visual comparisons help make purchasing decisions

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What are the conditions for running Google Shopping ads?

What are the conditions for running Google Shopping ads?

To run Google shopping ads, your website needs to meet the 3 conditions below:

  • First, there must be E-commerce functions including: product information, shopping cart, purchasing and payment.
  • Second, you need to have clear product exchange, return, payment, refund, shipping and warranty policies.
  • Finally, for your business website, you must install an SSL certificate, or in other words, the website path is in the form https://domain.com/.

How are Google Shopping ads displayed?

Display location:

Google Shopping has 2 commonly displayed locations:

  • The area at the top, just below the search bar – above Google Ads ads and organic search results.
  • The top area is on the right hand side, however this location is not displayed on the phone.

Display form:

Google Shopping not only displays simple text, but also attracts users with images, prices, product ratings or policies (eg free shipping…).

How are Google Shopping ads displayed?

How do Google Shopping ads cost?

Khi khách hàng tìm kiếm sản phẩm theo từ khóa, Google sẽ tự động phân tích dữ liệu và cung cấp danh sách các sản phẩm phù hợp với truy vấn và hiển thị cho khách hàng. Tuy nhiên, nếu nó chỉ hiển thị thì bạn không bị tính phí gì cả. Chỉ khi khách hàng click vào sản phẩm để xem chi tiết thì Google mới tính phí cho bạn.

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Hopefully this article has helped you answer your questions about What is Google Shopping, the conditions for running Google Shopping ads and how to install a Google Shopping advertising campaign. This form is increasingly becoming a trend in the volatile e-commerce market that businesses should not miss.


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